It should have happened in 2020, then again it should have happened in 2021. Twice now an intrepid team of Good Grief supporters have had their Kilimanjaro fundraising expedition postponed thanks to the Covid restrictions. But it now looks like – in 2022 – they are GOOD TO GO!!!!
Organised by Jez Stone and his good friend Andrea Hartley the Kilimanjaro Climb to raise funds for our Active Grief Retreats is set for October 2022.
Why are we climbing? For the challenge itself, for the bucket list tick, for fun, for fitness and also to raise money for something that affects us all in different ways and at different stages – grief – and helping people through the hardest types of grief.
Andrea Hartley
We are delighted that the team have chosen The Good Grief Project as their chosen charity. Jez and Andrea told us that we are particularly close to their hearts through their friend and ours Lizzie Pickering whose son Harry died when he was six and a half. Lizzie has been a real influence on the development of our work, both in the ‘grief presentations’ she does with co founder Jane Harris and the support she offers on the Active Grief Weekends.

Are you up for the challenge?
At a colossal 5,895m, Mt. Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes to ever break through the Earth’s crust. The expedition is managed by Charity Challenge who are offering a 30% reduction on the registration fee during January 2022. If this something you’d like to take up then please email lizzie@thegoodgriefproject.co.uk.
Some details:
We have chosen the Lemosho Route as it is less popular, has more varied vegetation and is slightly longer which improves our chances of getting to the top. But Kilimanjaro is not to be underestimated. This is one of the toughest but most exhilarating adventures you will ever embark on.
Depart London: evening Saturday 1stOctober 2022
Arrive UK : morning Wednesday 12th October 2022
We already have 12 adventurous spirits signed up for these new dates meaning there are a possible just 5 places left.
Meet some of the team talking about what to expect
Costs and fundraising:
There are three ways of paying for the trek depending on what you can afford to pay and how much you think you can raise for the charity.
· Pay a registration fee of £495 when you book (£346.50 during January 2022)
· Then a balance of £2,695 (8 weeks before the challenge).
· Raise as much as you can for The Good Grief Project
· Registration fee of £495 when you book (£346.50 during January 2022).
· Raise a minimum of £5,500 for The Good Grief Project
· Registration fee of £495 when you book (£346.50 during January 2022).
· Then £875 towards challenge costs (8 weeks before your challenge).
· Raise a minimum of £3,715 for The Good Grief Project
For for information about costs please contact lizzie@thegoodgriefproject.co.uk
How your money will be spent:
All money raised by the Kilimanjaro Trek will fund our Active Grief Weekend retreats. These residential weekends are run by bereaved parents and siblings for bereaved parents and siblings, no matter how long ago their child died and no matter what age. Each weekend costs around £12,000 and although parents contribute to the cost (usually £250-£300 a head) The Good Grief Project want the weekends to be available to everyone, with bursaries available when needed. Please watch this film: https://vimeo.com/286865132 to see why we believe this help is so important to bereaved families.
I feel like I’ve been thrown a lifeline, I was struggling but now I can see some light and I want to start digging my way out of this dark hole again.
BEREAVED MUM about the Active Grief Weekend
What to do next:
Please contact lizzie@thegoodgriefproject.co.uk who will send you all the necessary links for signing up.