In the media
Below is an extensive list of the great coverage we’ve received in the media.
If you are a journalist or writer and wish to contact us for an interview or comment, please call 07808 472885 or email

iNEWS - lifestyle/wellbeing
30 june 2022
6 ways bereaved parents can be helped through their grief
In a beautifully written and well researched article Kia-Elise Green spoke to Jane and our friend Deirdre Nolan, who’s daughter Laoise died in 2016 aged nine.
“Don’t use cliches but please talk about our child …”
JUNE 2022
Season 3, Ep.5 – Processing Grief.
“Grief and death are terrifying words for many of us. Of all our emotions I’ve found, we really try to body swerve grief. But the thing is grief doesn’t go away if you ignore it ….”
Jane Harris in conversation Guardian columnist Annalisa Barbieri
BBC Spotlight
NOvember 2021
Our latest film BEYOND THE MASK, is featured on BBC Spotlight. Jane explains our motivation to make the film and contributor Sangeeta Mahajan talks about the way the film helps people to feel less alone.
…. what does the experience of bereavement have to say to our current situation of the pandemic – or, for that matter, what does our current situation of the pandemic have to say to our experience of bereavement? …. like Harris and Edmonds’ previous documentary, this contains much provocative and helpful food for thought.

July 2021
What Matters Most: 5 things that I have learnt since the death of my son, Josh
BBC points west
July 2021
Our latest film BEYOND THE MASK, is featured on BBC Points West. Jane explains our motivation to make the film and contributor Deirdre Nolan talks about the value of talking openly about your grief, something the pandemic has enabled her to do.
GOOD ON PAPER (Stroud's listings magazine)
JULY 2021
Stepping into another’s grief can be daunting …
Endurance athlete Nikki Owen notes how lockdown and isolation has shone a light on what we as humans go through when faced with extreme loss. ‘Beyond the Mask’ she writes ‘invites us to re-evaluate what’s important in our lives”
Creative therapy and shared support can help with grief after losing a child.
Sharon Walker whose daughter was stillborn 22 years ago attended our Active Grief Retreat at Manifold Farm in September. This is her article about her experience in The Observer Magazine.
Grief & Covid: “Don’t try to find answers”
Jane talks about grief during Covid and making the film BEYOND THE MASK

BBC Radio Scotland
October 2020
Connie McLaughlin introduces Jane Harris and Julia Samuel MBE.
Jane and Julia talking about the Good Grief Festival of Love and Loss (30th October to 1st November).
Creative Activities should be available on prescription …
How our Active Grief programme helps the bereaved ‘free up’ after the trauma of losing a child …

August 2019
11 Documentaries That Will Teach You Something New.
“We asked members of the Thrive community to share a documentary they recently watched that opened their minds to a new perspective, idea, or passion…A Love that Never Dies.”

Life. Death. Whatever.
May 2019
Five Things we want you to know about grieving for a child.
The death of a child is never an easy subject to broach. No matter how long you’ve known the parents it can be difficult to know how to talk to them about their grief.
Jimmy and Jane offer five things they have learnt since their son Joshua died in 2011.

The Irish Times
May 2019
‘The grief following the death of your child lasts a lifetime’.
Lean into your grief in whatever way works best for you was the strong message from the documentary, A Love That Never Dies, shown by the Irish Hospice Foundation and the Good Grief Project in Dublin this month.

Shapes of Grief
April 2019
Ep. 9 Jane Harris, psychotherapist, on parental bereavement & the powerful documentary A Love That Never Dies.
Shapes of Grief is produced by Liz Gleeson, an Irish grief therapist. Liz hosts conversations with ordinary people about their experience of loss and grief in their lives. Through the recounting of our grief stories, healing can begin to happen, both for the teller and the listener.

Irish Independent
April 2019
Enduring Love: How parents survive the death of a child.
There shouldn’t be a time frame around healing. You don’t ‘get over it’. The more you love, the more you hurt. You can’t get around sadness – you have to go through it. We’re saying let’s be brave and strong and let’s allow people to be open. Let’s not apply rules.

BBC Radio Scotland
June 2018
Jane Harris talks to Stephen Jardine about A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES.

Therapy Today
June 2018
Holding the Dead in our Hearts and Lives.
‘In grief we discover, often surprisingly, that the people we attach to, the people we love most deeply, have affected us in ways that we don’t always realise’.
Jimmy Edmonds and Jane Harris

BBC Radio Oxford
June 2018
Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds talk to Kat Orman about A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES.

BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour
Jane Harris talks about A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES with Jenni Murray.

Jewish Chronicle
Learning to live with the loss of your child.
‘Death is shrouded in silence and we wanted to normalise a very abnormal situation …’
Anne Joseph

Gasholder (London Belongs to Me network)
A Love That Never Dies: a movie about grief and hope.
‘Expressing their love – and embracing their pain – through creating things has become the process they’ve since let take over their lives.’
Tom Kihl

Directors Jimmy Edmonds and Jane Harris talk about A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES with Dan Walker and Louise Minchin.

7 things bereaved parents want you to know about grieving for a child.
‘Sometimes, the greatest fear is when everyone stops talking about her or him, as if they never existed.’
Ellen Wallwork

The Psychologist
A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES – a most sensitive and profound portrayal.
‘On rare occasions a work of art is produced that inspires an audience to recognise that human beings belong to one great family…’
Barbara and Michael Wilson

The British Medical Journal
The Big Picture – opening the door on grief.
When Kelly Anglin’s son died aged 14, she was loath to disturb anything in his room and when documentary film makers visited a year later nothing had changed.

The Wee Review
A Love That Never Dies a tender and moving pilgrimage of two grieving parents.
‘There is something shocking and yet therapeutic about this film: it is as straightforward and as honest as it could possibly be. In the realisation that tiptoeing around the truth and pain does not help, the directors make the decision of digging deep into their and other’s grief, with understanding, delicacy, and frankness.’
Alice Giuliani

The Guardian
How to take control of death.
We plan for births, but fail to take full charge with deaths. Annalisa Barbieri meets the families who are building coffins, cancelling the hearses and creating highly personalised funeral services – before, sadly, putting her new knowledge to use.
Annalisa Barbieri

Good On Paper
A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES – a review by Judith Gunn
The last time I saw Josh Edmonds, was outside Vue Cinema in Stroud, it was cold and we were going to different films so we chatted in the queue. On March 16th at 7.30pm, Josh will be back at Vue Cinema, only this time in spirit, because Josh died in a road accident in Vietnam six years ago. He was twenty two. He left behind his parents, a brother and sister and many, many friends. A Love That Never Dies is a film inspired by Josh’s life, his death and the trauma of the loss of a child.

Inside Palliative Care
Launch of The Good Grief Project.
The Good Grief Project is a newly formed bereavement charity dedicated to an understanding grief as an active and creative process – we discover how it came about.

Bereavement Care
Exploring Grief with Photography.
As a filmmaker and a psychological therapist, Jimmy Edmonds and Jane Harris explore both artistic and therapeutic responses to the grief they now experience. In this article Jane and Jimmy introduce just some of the projects they have been involved with since Josh’s death.

RELEASED - a book by jimmy edmonds.
In early 2011, Jimmy Edmonds’ son was killed in a road accident while traveling in SE Asia. From personal tragedy he has created a moving and insightful book that reflects the way we use photographs in the process of mourning. It is also an exploration of the nature of photography itself. The “chaos of meaning” that Edmonds discovers lying at the heart of photography, mirrors almost exactly his own confusion surrounding the death of his son. Rarely have photography and poetry come together with such force.