“Grief is agony and this walk has been agony and it’s equally unpredictable”. Along with 15 others Jane offered a truth we were all about to experience as we set out to trek 24 miles and climb three of Yorkshire’s highest peaks (a total of 5200 feet of assent). And to complete the challenge we must finish in under 12 hours.
Watch the video below to find out how we did.
Anyone who has taken on a physical challenge (organised or not) knows what it means to double the task by fundraising for charity. It’s a constant push to remind your friends and relations about your cause especially as there are so many good causes to support.
But what many won’t realise is that grief gives us super power – and when we meet the challenge as a collective, we have super SUPER power. The original target was to raise £8000 – so far we’ve more than doubled that figure. This means that so many more bereaved parents and siblings on low incomes can benefit from coming on one of our Active Grief Retreats, a fully residential supportive weekend run by and for the bereaved where we share our creative responses to our grief.
Everything we do as a charity is to help people survive the death of a son or daughter and since our own son Josh died in 2011, we’ve met and worked with a huge number of similarly bereaved families. Find out more about attending an Active Grief Weekend here.
A massive thanks to everyone who took on the challenge and to everyone who has supported them. For me personally, it was an amazing day. I struggled for sure (especially up that last hill – anyone who is familiar with the ‘north face’ of Ingleborough will know how steep those steps are!) but encouraged by the grit and determination of the rest of the crew I came home well tired, aching all over, but so proud of all we have achieved.
As much as the physical effort is so rewarding the emotional bond as we walked and talked, shared our stories, is something I’ll never forget. To witness another person’s grief, to find that commonality, and to find its expression in a truly physical way is to validate feelings that society in general does find somewhat awkward and/or embarrassing.
The fundraising page is still open – so if this missive comes as news to you or you’ve somehow put off visiting our site, here’s your chance to find out more about our work and to give whatever you can to help us help others achieve more creative, active and rewarding response to their grief.
Thanks for reading
Jimmy August 2021