Tom and Becca’s wedding

6 days to go and two of Josh’s best friends are going to get married.

So what so special about that?

Get out of here …  you can’t be serious!

Mr Thomas Cockshot and Ms Becca Hyde go back a long way with our Josh – like they were all at school together and Westley Farm where Tom lives has always been a favorite haunt of all (and more) of the Chalford crew.     And the said Cockshot and Hyde are getting married next Saturday – where?

– at Westley Farm of course (actually I understand that they are already spliced and this is a damn good excuse for a party!)

– and what is also really special is that Tom and Becca have specifically invited and made a space for Josh and for us his family – and that the whole thing will take place in the field below Josh’s Tree which we think is really wonderful.

A lot of Josh’s friends are going to be there so its going to be a big moment for us and for them.

But the biggest moment will be for Tom and for Becca and all our thoughts are going to be with them on this special day – we wish you all the happiness in the world and lots of luck on your adventures together (off to California – or is it British Columbia – somewhere west coast with lots of trees!) Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for inviting us.

Oh I nearly forgot – Tom and Becca are going against convention and have forfeited the age old practice of conferring the husband’s name to the bride – all very modern – yeh but they’ve changed both their names to…. wait for it …. Westley!     hmmm … all the best Mr and Mrs Westley.   xxxx

And if that’s not modern enough here’s link to their wedding site where you can find out more about the day and donate to their special travel fund – gwan you know you want to…..   tom and becca wedding

the view from the tree overlooking westley farm






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